8th grade is back this week! Looking forward to having you all return!
over 3 years ago, Micah Grant
Report cards and NWEA testing will be pushed for two weeks due to the closure of in person learning. 8th grade, grades will close Friday January 29th. Thank you
over 3 years ago, Micah Grant
All 8th grade students will begin remote learning starting tomorrow 1/14/2021. 8th grade students should log in on their regularly scheduled day and at their regularly scheduled class times (i.e. 1st period starts at 7:57). The contact tracing team has contacted all students who were considered close contact. If you did not receive a phone call your student is not under quarantine requirements at this time. Please call the school if you have any questions.
over 3 years ago, Micah Grant
Boys Basketball Practice is Back ON (1/13)! Thank you and sorry for the confusion!
over 3 years ago, Micah Grant
Ski- Students who have transportation to and from the mountain can start ski tomorrow and Thursday (please make sure you fill out the mountain waiver form). Student's who need the school to transport will start next Wednesday and Thursday. However, if parents can arrange transportation tomorrow/Thursday, they are more than welcomed to attend! Again transportation via the school will start next week.
over 3 years ago, Micah Grant
We are going remote. Thanks to all the staff for their hard work, we have been ready since early fall and ready to execute our plan! Parents, please look at the documents section for bell schedule (grades 6-8) and other helpful documents for remote learning. I will also be posting a longer introduction on our news feed. Also, don't forget (students) to check your email! Thank you and see you after Christmas Break!
over 3 years ago, Micah Grant
Parents! A reminder that our second evening of Parent Teacher Conferences are tomorrow November 18th from 4 to 7:30. These conferences are all Virtual, NOT in-person. If you have any questions please call the school. Thank you
almost 4 years ago, Lisa Roy
Parents and students don't forget that Monday is a school day for students with the last name L-Z. They will attend Monday and Friday with Veterans day observance on Wednesday, November 11!
almost 4 years ago, Micah Grant
We have had a great time celebrating Halloween and seeing all the costumes! Thanks to all the students for brining a little spooky, nostalgia, and humor into the school!
almost 4 years ago, Micah Grant
Pink Day(s) October 22 and 23rd. Please wear pink on your day! We are sending home remembrance ribbons tomorrow and Wednesday. Dark pink for those who have passed on and light pink for those who are survived or battling! Those ribbons can be turned into the office or homeroom Thursday or Friday and will be put on our remembrance wall! Thank you
almost 4 years ago, Micah Grant
Middle School soccer practice has been canceled today (10/16). The field hockey game is still on as scheduled.
almost 4 years ago, Micah Grant
All Middle School practices today (9/30/2020) have been cancelled due to weather. Stay safe out there!
almost 4 years ago, Micah Grant
Fall Sports! We are offering boys and girls soccer grades 6-8, girls field hockey grades 5-8, and boys and girls cross country grades 5-8. Sign ups are in the main lobby!
almost 4 years ago, Micah Grant
We have 17 yearbooks left over. We will be selling these on a first come first serve basis to students in any grade tomorrow, July 29, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. For those who preordered yearbooks and did not make it Monday, you can pick those up tomorrow as well. Thank you
about 4 years ago, Micah Grant
Year book orders are in. Ordered yearbooks can be picked up in the HMS office on Mon. (7/27) from 4:30-6:30 p.m. We have a limited supply of extra yearbooks as well, if you were an 8th grader in the 2019-2020 school year, these will be available for purchase during that time frame. The extras will be sold on a first come first serve basis. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Micah Grant
Parents and guardians should be receiving report cards this week. If you notice a pass/fail that does not line up with Powerschool grades please contact me via email at micah.grant@schools.hermon.net or lisa.roy@schools.hermon.net. Have a great summer!
about 4 years ago, Micah Grant
Students may return materials, laptops, and library books as well as pick up items left in lockers. Days for return and pickup are are as follows (June 9- 8th Gr) (June 10- 7th Gr) (June 11- 6th Gr) (June 12- 5th Gr) All days run from 8:00 am - 3:00 p.m.
over 4 years ago, Micah Grant
8th Grade student photos needed. In preparation for 8th grade promotion I need parents/guardians to email me their favorite childhood photo! Please send it as a jpg, tiff, or gif to micah.grant@schools.hermon.net. Please also include your child's name in the email! Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Micah Grant
Putting together a plan for 8th grade ceremonies. Plan on sharing the final details the week of May 18th. Obviously things change fast but we are hopeful we can offer the 8th graders some element of closure before going to HHS! Also working on a limited yearbook. Details to come!
over 4 years ago, Micah Grant
"No New Work Wednesday". Starting tomorrow teachers will not be assigning new work (work to be graded) on Wednesday's. They may still post helpful videos or reading and staff are still available for help but they will not be requiring formative or summative work on Wednesday's!
over 4 years ago, Micah Grant