April 13, 2021
Click here to order your HMS Yearbook today!
April 9, 2021
If you are traveling for April vacation and will be missing school either before or after break please fill out an excused absence form prior to leaving! In addition, you can clic...

March 12, 2021
It was an exciting week for our 8th grade students who were offered the opportunity to attend the Hermon High Schools Virtual Step-Up day and Virtual Parent Night. Here are a fe...

March 9, 2021
We are excited to announce our "adding days" plan! We will be adding two virtual days of classes for all students at HMS. Students will log into virtual class on the opposite days...

March 5, 2021
We had a wonderful visit from the High School team this week! Programs of study were given to students yesterday and will be given today as well. 8th grade students should have...

February 12, 2021
March will be a busy Month! HHS has several opportunities for our 8th grade students as we begin to consider the transition to High School. Please see the attached flyer for imp...

December 17, 2020
Good Afternoon! Check out these resources for HMS families! The first is an incredible resource called SEL4ME from the DOE that has a plethora of social/emotional resources for...
December 14, 2020
Grade 5: Unfortunately we do not have laptops for all grade 5 students yet. At this time students should log into their teachers' google classroom to complete their assigned readi...
December 14, 2020
Remote Grades 6-8: Students in grades 6-8 are expected to login into their 4 core classes and their special at their regularly scheduled times (period and appropriate day). Parent...

December 3, 2020
Hermon Middle School students brought in over 1200 food items to donate to local food pantries. Congratulations to Mrs. LeBarnes' homeroom who won the individual homeroom contest ...
November 17, 2020
Picture Retake Days Nov. 19 & 20 This Thursday and Friday 8:00 AM Douglass Photography 207-848-7138